The state government of Maharashtra launched Asmita Yojana to provide free sanitary napkins to the school girls of the state. This initiative will be really helpful for school girls who are unable to buy Costly pads/Sanitary Napkins. Subsequently, such as girls will get free pads under Asmita Pad Yojana Maharashtra. One more thing we recall you, Government also launched a Asmita web- Portal for Asmita Sponsor Online at Rs 182 per year only. It will helpful to bring a smile on poor girls face who are unable to buy Costly Napkins.
As per official notification, women and girls can visit at official website to get benefits of this scheme or they can also apply through women and children development department’s of Maharashtra. They need to pay only Rs. 182.40 for a year-long supply of pads to the ones in need. Moreover, department would provide Asmita cards which will enable them to get napkins. The pads would be given only for rural women of the state. Under the scheme, girls will be given ‘Asmita’ sanitary napkins produced by global agencies which are procured through Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission.
How to be Asmita Sponsor Online
By using following procedure you can take Asmita sponsorship.
- First of all, To take Asmita sponsorship the people have to visit official website
- Thereafter, they need to click at Sponsor Online as shown last of the homepage.
- An application form will be open as shown below.
- Fill the sponsorship form with accurate details.
- You will get OTP by entering your number.
- Now pay the payment of Rs. 182 in online mode.
Asmita Sponsor Online Application Form |
So, people who want to take sponsorship they can follow above procedure. This scheme will avail for rural women and adolescent girls of Zilla Parishad school in the age group of 11 and 19 years. For adolescent girls packet of 8 pads of sanitary pads are provided at subsidised price of Rs 5. A packet of eight napkins will cost rural women Rs 24 or Rs 29, depending on the size. All the girls and women will be given Asmita cards. For more details you can visit at newly launched website more